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What are KPO and BPO?

The technical definition of the BPO is defined as , Business Process Outsourcing or BPO is outsourcing of some of the business functions to a third party in order to save money. It usually consists of the back office or front office operations. While front office services are related to client interaction and customer support, back office services are related to finance and HR. If outsourcing is done to a company situated outside the parent company's country, it is known as offshore outsourcing. Coming to the KPO, it is Knowledge process outsourcing KPO is a subset is a of BPO. Both are are related to the business activities of a organisation. KPO involves outsourcing of core functions which may or may not give cost benefit to the parent company but surely helps in value addition. The processes which are outsourced to KPOs are usually more specialized and knowledge based as compared toBPOs.. And last but not the least, IPO is related the stocks of a company. Initial public offering(IPO) or stock market launch is a type of public offering in which shares of a company usually are sold to institutional investors that in turn, sell to the general public, on a securities exchange, for the first time. Through this process, a privately held company transforms into a public company. The difference in BPOs and KPOs can also be judged by the way they hire people. While basic education may be enough for you to get a BPO job but a KPO job requires you to be competent in a particular field. Also, the training provided by the KPOs is more rigorous and sector specific. So if you are a 'Jack of all trades', KPOs may not be the right choice for you. While KPO is a subset of BPO, they are not related to IPO. IPO, short for Initial Public Offering, is also known as stock market launch. It is a type of public offering where the common public get shares of stock on a securities exchange for the first time. This is a process in which a private company converts into a public company. Companies use initial public offerings to raise expansion capital and to become publicly traded enterprises

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